Module 3: Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Topic: OOP Coding


  • Object-Oriented coding in Python
    1. Consider things in a real-world, e.g., schools entered, countries visited, companies worked, etc.
      • Take multiple elements and some relations among the elements in the real-world.
      • Group the elements into a few classes, so that each element can fall in a class.
      • Make sure that a class is defined over the features on those member elements.
      • In addition to the structural definition of a class, there may be behavioral definitions. Behavioral definitions can be the methods of a class, and they are executed on an element(s).
  • Write a Python program to define the class called "Conversion".
    • This class has one feature, called inNum. Note that this number can be a temperature or a mass, etc. This variable of Conversion will have a value when an object is constructed (or init_ialized) as follows:
      def __init__ (self, inNum):
          self.inNum = inNum
      This init() method usually appears first in the body of its class. After the init() method, as many behavioral methods as needed can be defined.
    • This class has four methods
      • c2f(), which takes a number (read inNum) in Celsius and prints another number (save into outNum) in Fahrenheit
      • f2c(), which takes a number (read inNum) in Fahrenheit and prints another number (save into outNum) in Fahrenheit.
      • kg2lb(), which takes a number (read inNum) in kb and prints another number (save into outNum) in lb.
      • lb2kg(), which takes a number (read inNum) in lb and prints another number (save into outNum) in kg.
    • Multiple class members can be constructed.
      • c1 = Conversion(67)
      • c2 = Conversion(159)
      • c3 = Conversion(24)
      • more
    • Call the above functions as follows:
      • c1.c2f()
      • c2.f2c()
      • c2.c2f()
      • c2.lb2kg()
      • c3.kg2lb()
      • c3.f2c()
      • more
    • Note that inNum is loaded when an object is constructed and so the __init()__ method is executed, and outNum is loaded when a method is invoked.

Try in Python