Tipping Points
Conditional Statement
- if ... else ... statement
- if ... elif ... else ... statement
Iteration Statement
- The basic principle of iteration is to say
"for each element in a list"
- a list for the for loop can be
- the range() function
- a list
- a list formed from an external source
External sources are
- file
- web page
- JSON data
- etc...
- while loop can be also used
- Functions are defined for zero or more parameters
- Those functions are called by sending zero or more arguments
- The parameters of a function should be matched with the arguments of a function caller.
- Write a Python program to convert Kb to Lb, vice versa.
- Check out the web, formula
- Define the mass conversion function, kg2lb() and lb2kg().
- kg2lb(), which takes a number in kb and returns another number in lb.
- lb2kg(), which takes a number in lb and returns another number in kg.
- Call the above functions by sending numbers as follows:
- Can you take numbers from user to call those functions?
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